Industrial IoT Implementation for a Pharmaceutical Manufacturer



A leading pharmaceutical manufacturer aimed to close the IT/OT gap and maximize operational continuity with remote industrial operations services. The objective was to minimize unexpected downtime, which can cause a domino effect and halt operations. This was achieved by implementing an Edge Compute Architecture for Industrial Equipment Monitoring and Control.


The primary challenge was to ensure seamless integration of IT and OT systems, enabling real-time monitoring and control of industrial equipment. This included processing data at the edge to accelerate data delivery and enhance decision-making capabilities.


PRIDE Group provided a comprehensive solution using Edge Compute Architecture, leveraging connected and non-internet connected devices to process data near its collection point. This approach reduced the amount of data sent to the cloud and improved the efficiency of data processing and decision-making. The project included several key components:

  1. Consulting and Feasibility Study: Detailed analysis of current infrastructure and future needs.

  2. Design and Implementation:

    • Edge Compute Architecture: Using devices such as SCADA, PLCs, IoT sensors, serial connections, and gateways to process data locally. The architecture was based on microservices integrated and packaged in containers.
    • Integration with Industrial Equipment: Utilizing Teltonika equipment as Edge Gateway and Advantech equipment as Edge Compute.
  3. Automation and Monitoring:

    • Automated Process Control: Infrastructure for communication, control, and monitoring of production lines and processes.
    • Operational Monitoring: Monitoring operational parameters of production and storage, automating packaging processes, and inventory management.
    • Smart Security Systems: Implementing intelligent security systems with access control and video monitoring.
    • Environmental Monitoring: Monitoring and controlling environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and others) to ensure optimal production conditions.
    • Automated Response Scenarios: Implementing automated response mechanisms for deviations from normal conditions (thresholds).
    • Fire and Intrusion Alarm Systems: Installing and integrating fire alarm and anti-intrusion systems to enhance the safety and security of the manufacturing facility.

Key Benefits

  • Cost Control: Proactively respond to abnormal equipment conditions to prevent complete system breakdowns and streamline repair efforts to avoid unnecessary maintenance.
  • Increased Productivity: Optimize field support technicians by reviewing asset data on a dashboard before deconstructing equipment. Connect manuals and inventory systems to review repair instructions or immediately order parts.
  • Exceptional Service: Provide customers with instant access to supply chain information, enabling them to make better business decisions.
  • Enhanced Safety and Security: The integration of fire and intrusion alarm systems ensures a higher level of protection for the manufacturing facility, minimizing risks and ensuring rapid response to any incidents.

Technologies Used

  • Edge Gateway: Teltonika equipment.
  • Edge Compute: Advantech equipment.
  • Data Processing: Local processing of data using Edge Compute Architecture.
  • Integration with Systems: Integration with HVAC, SCADA, PLC, air quality IoT sensors, video surveillance, access control systems, and fire and intrusion alarm systems.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and other environmental factors.

High-Availability Infrastructure

  • TimescaleDB: Primary time-series data store with high-availability setup.
  • Redis: In-memory caching and key-value storage with high-availability.
  • Nginx Proxy: Used for load balancing and managing web traffic.
  • Workers (Kubernetes Nodes): Containerized microservices running various tasks.
  • Jump Host: Optional for VPN connections in on-premises environments.

Architectural Design

  • Microservices Architecture: Decomposing the application into loosely coupled, independently deployable services.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Integrating different services to ensure interoperability and reusability.
  • High-Availability Infrastructure: Ensuring continuous availability and performance with purpose-built infrastructure.
  • Zero-Downtime Deployments: Using technologies like Nginx Proxy, Analytics, Workflow Runner, Timescale Writer, Timers, and TimescaleDB for seamless updates.


PRIDE Group's implementation of the Industrial IoT solution successfully addressed the client's needs for operational continuity and efficient monitoring and control of industrial equipment. The integration of fire and intrusion alarm systems further enhanced the safety and security of the facility. The project demonstrated PRIDE Group’s capability to deliver advanced IoT solutions, leveraging edge computing and integrating various industrial systems to enhance productivity, cost control, and service quality.




#Industrial IoT, Edge Computing, Cybersecurity


SCADA, PLC, IoT Sensors, HVAC Integration, Smart Security Systems