Smart Metering for an Electricity Provider



A leading electricity provider sought to create an intelligent wireless remote reading system for electric meters. The project's primary challenge was the diverse range of meters from different manufacturers, requiring local data reading and parsing into a list of parameters necessary for the client. The data then needed to be transmitted wirelessly and securely to the institution's data center. Additionally, an API was required for integration with the consumer's personal dashboard and the client's ERP system.


The main challenge was integrating data from hundreds of thousands of meters from different manufacturers. This required local data reading, parsing, and transmission using wireless, encrypted technologies. Another significant challenge was ensuring zero-downtime deployments and developing an API for seamless integration with the consumer dashboard and client ERP system.


PRIDE Group implemented a comprehensive Smart Metering solution using the following components:

  1. Consulting and Feasibility Study: Detailed analysis of the existing infrastructure and future requirements.

  2. Design and Implementation:

    • LoRaWAN® RS-485 Converters and Gateways: Used for wireless data transmission from meters to the data center, provided by VEGA.
    • Software Architecture: Leveraging information from app server and notifier server to create a robust software stack.
    • API Development: Custom API for integration with the consumer's personal dashboard and the client's ERP system, developed using .NET Core.
    • Firmware Development: Restructured firmware on client meters using C++ to read data locally according to client-specified parameters.
  3. Zero-Downtime Deployments: Implemented using Nginx Proxy, Analytics, Workflow Runner, Timescale Writer, Timers, and ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for real-time monitoring and log management.

  4. Back-End Portal: Developed for real-time dashboarding, statistics, and custom analytics, including trend analysis and other relevant information.

Key Technologies

  • PostgreSQL: For relational data storage.
  • ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana): For real-time monitoring and log management.
  • Kubernetes (K8) Nodes: For container orchestration and scaling.
  • Nginx Proxy: For load balancing and proxying requests.
  • Python: For scripting and automation tasks.
  • C++: For writing firmware for IoT devices.
  • .NET Core: For developing the backend and API.

Architectural Design

  • Microservices Architecture: Decomposing the application into loosely coupled, independently deployable services.
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Integrating different services to ensure interoperability and reusability.
  • High-Availability Infrastructure: Ensuring continuous availability and performance with purpose-built infrastructure.
  • Zero-Downtime Deployments: Using technologies like Nginx Proxy, Analytics, Workflow Runner, Timescale Writer, Timers, and ELK Stack for seamless updates.

Key Benefits

  • Cost Control: Proactively respond to abnormal equipment conditions to prevent system breakdowns and streamline repair efforts.
  • Increased Productivity: Drastically reduced costs by eliminating manual data reading, which was prone to errors and delays.
  • Enhanced Safety and Security: Ensured the secure, encrypted transmission of data to the central data center, protecting against data breaches and unauthorized access.


PRIDE Group's Smart Metering solution successfully addressed the client's needs for operational continuity and efficient monitoring and control of electric meters. The comprehensive integration of various technologies demonstrated PRIDE Group’s capability to deliver advanced IoT solutions, leveraging edge computing and integrating diverse industrial systems to enhance productivity, cost control, and service quality.




#Industrial IoT, Edge Computing, Cybersecurity


Smart Metering, Wireless Data Transmission, API Integration, Real-Time Monitoring